Friday, December 7, 2007

Creation Of the Universe Part Two Khedder the Albino Prophet

Ever heard of a Prophet, called Khedder, he is albino, long white beard, never dies. He was born before Moses and Ibrahim and Jesus and Mohammad and any prophets we know. He is the one, who discovered, and drunk from fountain of youth and till this day appears here and there and the lucky ones see him. I heard it in Koran, I am sure there is some version of it in Torah and bible. So as religious mythology put it, one day he went to God and asked, Dear God, there has been a question in my mind bothering me for a long time, since you gave me eternal life, how many years will be the age of this world. God told him, anything I say it will be hard for you to imagine, so I make it easier and simple for you, go to that well in Babel get three little round rock, throw it to the well and ask. So he did as what he was told. A voice came from well, ask Khedder, ask your question and I shall answer. So he repeated his question. The voice came back. This well that you see, was empty, now it is half full. Every time a prophet named Khedder came and asked the same question and here we are. You see me half full.
So now you tell me where that story proofs 6000 years from Adam. Which one is right? They are both Gods own words? No sir, we made the 6000 years story, or to be exact, our religious leaders made the story to make us believe until the world existed this is the only way of life and you can't resist it. No other civilization lived differently.

Noah the savior of living beings

The other one is Noah. This is very important, listen carefully. At the end, I I hope you will discover Darwin and Pope can coexist. There is no other way. Of course you can find a dozen or more but this will be the only one that makes sense.
I am not saying that either one is right. Darwin couldn't be perfect, no one can ever be. There always going to be new discoveries. But the basic idea of evolution is something that I believe on.
The truth can't be difficult or complicated. You just have to be open minded and don't draw artificial wall and obstacles that you won't let yourself think beyond them and pass them when you have to.
The story of Noah that God gives him the order to put one of each pair of species in his boat. Because a big storm is coming that is going to wipe the living in earth. You know that, every kid in the world know that. I don't have to go to the length of the story in my explanation. Because I know you got the idea,
If you are like me, you would say why. And yes, don't be afraid to ask God why. Wasn't God the one who created the Universe with one finger snap, created living in the last day of the week, including Adam? Here is where the story is made up, overly simplified that could only be acceptable 15 to 20 centuries ago and dark ages.
Now I have better explanation for you. Gods hand was behind the evolution. He created animals, tress and vegetables and flowers and plants etc for s single cell organism which came to life in muddy dirt. Just like biology says it or as Koran says it. Except when biology says it single cell animal created from muddy dirt, people who tend to listen to science, believe it. When God says I created Humans from muddy dirt, or dirt or earth in other religions. People divide in two big groups, one will laugh and say yes right. Because, what’s human beings biggest lack of understanding is that we always tend to overlook and ignore the links. How many people think about tree when they open a door, put their beer bottle on a wooden table or write on a piece of paper? Amazingly, not many of us do. A very little minority does, right? Even though there is direct link between those items and objects. We are blind to recognize two different ideas can have the same origin and actually very close to each other
So, let’s get back to the argument. God decided to destroy lives. What for? I don't know. He rarely gives us the real reason. He gives one reason that is relevant to us but thousands more hidden. Maybe two much garbage collected, maybe first design wasn't perfect and was the fear of mutations etc. Whatever it was, it’s his business until someday someone discovers that secret too. Anyways he blamed it on human beings sins. Free well or God intended for them to live that life, who knows.
Anyways when God decides, he knows there is not going back. He doesn't have the luxury that we have to say I changed my mind. We are like later generations of machines and cars and computers. We can and are allowed to do more things than the original design and effortlessly. That’s why we have more options.
So than the next thought came to his mind, well, what’s next? How to replace them, how to still have someone that worships me and someone I can blame when things go wrong. Sorry, take it as humor God, I know I have the permission to joke but at the same time tell the truth and reveal the secrets you allowed me to reveal.
Here is where simplified religious believes doesn't fit the way they are explained. You got to think beyond it people, common people its 21st century. You can't say he did it because he wanted to.
So here comes time for second decision, life has to continue. So the truth you didn't know. He told himself Oh my God or oh myself, do I have to wait another billion years and start again from single cell animal and bring different species in hundreds of millions of years. Even years are nothing for God but still that idea was boring and unappealing. There is no fun in repetition. You can watch catch me if you can with Leo DiCaprio again and again and again. And you would never want to solve the same New York time word puzzle twice. The point I am getting in, he knew he didn't create Universe with snap of a finger and Adam with another snap 6 days later. If it was so, he would have killed everybody, even maybe Noah himself or just would have told him don't worry I will make another snap and all those species will be there when the storm recedes. So he came with best solution considering everything. That was to put one pair of each species in the ship and he wouldn't have to go through evolution, and because the life of the earth wasn't even close to an end, Earth wasn't going to get swallowed or burned by Sun anytime soon. And empty earth didn't make sense either.
Now you know how God, evolution and creation all come together? I certainly hope so. If you come to this conclusion, all I can say is you have a brain that you are not afraid to use and you came to that conclusion and I didn't make you.
If it still doesn't make sense to you. Then you still have that wall problem. You draw a red line that you don't want to pass. For me I think this is the difference between non intelligent animals and humans. We let our imagination to ride wild or at least we should, or we will be nothing more than obedient pets, either virtual or real.
Darwin and Pope saying the same thing, neither one can explain it right and to the whole length. Interesting, isn't it.
See how the border between right and wrong, correct and incorrect is blurred here. See how Karl Marx is right that says Opposites can't exist without the other and saint tell us Heaven and hells are neighbors?

When God knew what?

The short answer is: I don't know the details. I think it is safe to assume he always knew and knows of things to come. That’s what I believe, you can have other ideas, and I don't know if he thought about all the details in advance. It is impossible for us to know everything. So why I am saying the stuff with the writing style that I do and have a beginning and end for a thought process and what God did and is doing. Not because I think he didn't know from advance but because when you tell a story, you have to have a timeline for people to understand, otherwise will be scattered ideas on paper that people won't understand. I don't say and will never claim I have all the answers. I know too little, very little. Even understanding another human being is not easy, how many times you had the occasion that you thought of someone to be your hero, your perfect companion, your closest friend, just too painfully discover later that he/she wasn't the one you thought was.
I know that much that God always existed in infinity, not in time. If we would have to be fair to him, we cannot assume he created Universe 6000, 7000 or even 15 millions ago. Unless we assume he was sleeping all that time and just woke up a few thousand years ago. God doesn't believe on boredom and laziness, just like us, but he is even more hyper than us. So he is into constant creation and destruction
How do I know all those stuff? I discovered it with his help. That means he told me directly or indirectly. And I am sure he hasn't told me the whole truth and the whole story, just as much as I can swallow and I have the capacity.
Don't dismiss me without thinking, I am not just another weirdo who tells you lies about that weird dream or a sources of light descending from sky and told him stuff or was told by angel. Oh yes angels that are another thing we discuss later. God not only talk to me but he does to everyone and yes, even you forget about what you heard that God only talked to Moses. He talks to you and he tells you, just tell you as much as he thinks you can take without burning yourself. He tells you more if you let your imagination wild and use your brain and soul. God likes more smart people. He likes people who question everything, and who look for answers and solutions. Think of yourself, let say you know calculus, , space science, physics theories and your close friend is someone who you have to explain to him vapor comes from water when it exposes to high temperature and he still have hard time to get it. Won't you get eventually bred with him?
Every one of you if you decide to get rid of middle man and have direct connection with your God, you are able to get transmissions from God. By what form is that transmission? Why not try it than you tell me which form it took. Is it telepathy? Maybe it is Out of body experience or something else?
Than you would know you don't have to be afraid that you are going to go to hell, by thinking differently.
Ask tough questions and find the answers, you will save yourself, and make God happy. He may even applaud you.

Atheism and Religion

Now you would say, will atheists have pretty open mind and question everything. Not so, as much as religious people
Try to stay away from atheists and atheism, Atheists in their turn have close mind and don't want to take a look at religious side. The both created those walls I told you about and don't want to cross it. That in itself is limiting their brains and keeps it frozen. That’s why no matter how much convincing they are trying to be, didn't make any progress on convincing others. You would think by now with all that science advances when all religious explanation look overly simplified and sounds like fairy tales, the whole world would have been atheist by now. The reason is atheism just like religion is unable to break that wall, they think only so far, and refuse to cross the border.
Now I have to make something

Back to Dimensions and the mystery of Angels.

That’s the question with a lot skepticism involved around it. I told you before I believe in different dimensions and even seen them. And I know what you were thinking, you would say really? I don't think so. There is no proof.
What you have proof for? Do we have proof for Aliens and life in other planets? We didn't even know four weeks ago there is another earthoid or a planet just like earth existed, we just know now. You would believe it when you see it like I did, but I think even now you believe in different dimensions, without knowing that you do. Do you believe in demons, monsters, little people, hobbits and trolls, maybe you don’t, I I is not clear, I say it’s possible.
OK how about angels? I believe in them, there were several occasions my life would have come to an end by all imaginary logical explanations there was no way out. God saved me in split seconds, like somebody grabbing you from your hair, relocate you somewhere else. I didn't have any part in decision, I didn't even have time to think, let alone decide. I believe you may have similar stories. And most of you do believe in angels. So what are angels? Can you measure their heights, Color, and weigh? No, so they have to exist in other dimension than the one you are used to.
They maybe creatures that God made like avatars of his friends, or his neopets or whatever, but one thing is clear, they do exist in other dimensions and God send them to you when he thinks you reached a critical point, like sending someone from his state department. If mission is way critical, he may even send his Condoleezza Rice, who knows?
Anyways I can give you more examples, but I think if I haven't convinced you yet I may never be able to. That’s one of those things, you have to feel it, and it has to have a lasting effect on you. Either take my word for it, or feel it for yourself, or don't believe on it. But I am telling you other dimensions do exist and it’s not rare, you are surrounded not by dozens of those creatures, but thousands, even more. What I have seen there are thousands of them so close that can pass your body without even thinking they hit a wall. That’s my experience, now it’s up to you to believe me or not.
I should end this section with the purpose of my current writing I don't know if I leave this paragraph or erase it. Because, some things, have more effect on people when they are left untold. I am just writing it here so I won't get too far from the purpose.
I don't think with all the science and advances in science and medicine and technology from one side, and simplistic approach to God the way religion teaches it, people are going to run away from God, Religion is not convincing and when we have little answer to an ancient question from science, people have a tendency that their point got proofed and jump to conclusion and say , see? Didn’t I tell you?
So here is my purpose and my style and I think it’s going to be effective.
" Start with the God, keep running away from him, don't worry , you can't run away from him forever, you will be running away in a circle, ask all kind of questions, good questions, bad questions, silly questions, stupid questions, smart questions and challenging questions. Find the answer to everyone, you will find them, man finds what he seeks.
At the end of the circle no matter how big that circle was, you will find God waiting for you and this time you will never let him go, you would have found all your answers and its going to be you and him, no one between you. Now that’s what I call pretty cool." End of quote from Kabuli

Chapter two: And God created Universe. Part One

Originally posted June 3rd 2007.
Ever played Sims, Sims online, Secondlife , Age of Empire etc? you make stuff, build houses, cities, armies than you get bored of it and destroy it in a second and restart everything, Or even in real life you build a deck a pathway in garden, two years later you think that was a dumb idea and start all over.

Well we are descendant of our Gods, those are his genes, his DNA. WE can't do it any other way even if we wanted to.

So before God created Ariensia®(1), he created Universe and before he got mad at eve and sent her crying in misery, made her the happiest princess or Queen, whatever she would wish for , would get it. But Hollywood movie won't be interesting if always had happy ending, would it. Neither her happiness or misery would last forever, would end one day at the end of her life in this world until she resurrect, so why not make it interesting. Why not make future generations happy in her happiness and sad at her sadness. That's ultimate entertainment. Thousands of years and people still talk about it.

Now now don't get me wrong. I just told you in chapter one, I don't believe in traditional Adam and Eve story, I believe on it the way it make sense. Once you free your mind from garbage, you will see everything can coexist and that's the only way possible. Why God made her happy at the beginning and miserable in the middle and moderate at the end.

Think of it Happiness doesn't exist without sadness, darkness doesn't exist without light, if there wasn't a night, there would never be a day to follow. We all know that but nobody think about it. What I beg you for is please think about stuff you already know and you have all god's secrets in front of you. There will be no closed fist after that.

So how many times god made and destroyed his Age of empire and Sims online ? Millions if you believe on billions of years of universe, infinite if you believe in infinity. I am in second group, but I am open to that you maybe right in the first.

I rather have my mind and my imagination not hit a wall and a limit.

Everybody has his own version of opposites coexistence, Marx has it in his union of opposites and religion has it in God and Satan or heaven and hell.

As for me, they both make sense. Believe me you can bring Darwin and Pope together, very easy, I will tell you soon

and you would so much believe on it that you will say how come I didn't think of that yet.

Lets go back to that Koranic verse #God made humans his Khalif or his deputy on Earth#

So wasn't Genghis and Alexander and Karl Marx and Hitler and Darwin and Davincci and Gandhi and todays politicians and serial killers and Warlords and Heroes and humanists and Inventors and Bill gate and even George Bush her Khalifs on earth ? Of course they were or are. Which way they play his role? Depends on what side of that video game they are assigned to. Do they have the mission to steal the taxis or have to be cops.

Now don't let anybody tells you God created Universe 6000 years ago in seven days. Your heart to heart relation to your God is much much stronger than any bible and its interpretation, or any verses of Koran you hear from Mullah. Only than you would understand. Don't make your kids laugh at you saying common dad you saying 6200 years ago nothing existed and they discovered 3 million years old dinosaur fossils in Montana.

For simple people when they see that they can't deny it, so they either stick with their religion no matter how stupid they look they say 6000 is, I am not going a day back , or they crash under mountain of evidence and turn atheist or agnostic or whatever.

None of them make sense right? I am glad you followed me that far, open your heart little more you totally get it.

I will tell you two stories that they are in religion but nobody teaches it, why because its dangerous to close minded

society ruled by priests and priest minded politicians like Bush in 21 st century.

1. Ariensia® or Arieansia®: See Chapter One. Fictional place or country subject of future book. Form and final outcome still has to be determinded

Chapter One : Ariensia®

Ever heard of a magical land called Ariensia®? Didn't think so, not may people heard about it, the few who have mostly think, it is a made up land , like Atlantis, or Eden, but like there are people who believe in Eden or Atlantis, the few chosen ones also believe at Ariensia, because they know it with their heart, there was a heaven where people's dreams come true, where you wish something and God give it to you. If you open your hearts, you believe in heaven and also hell, they do exist, you don't have to look further sometime, you just see it in this world. You don't have to read bible or Torah for it or make a priest convince you or a mullah or rabbi. They will tell you hell exists and give me and my cousin one fifth of your income or one third or whatever, I will make it that you don't go there. Or kill innocent people so I get more power and get rich, you will go to heaven.

They don't put it that way of course, just hypnotize you so you do it, sometime knowingly and you think you did the right thing. Sometime you do it without even knowing what you have done. Anyways, I mean to say, don't look far, heaven and hell sometime very very closer than you think. Just need to take a peak around you. Listen with your heart, see with your heart and feel your heartbeat as if its saying words. Decode the mp3 file if you will, than you will know a lot more, than the people who are just followers. And see the truth and know the truth from what others have told them. Than you would not only see and feel Eden or Atlantis like territories but who know maybe even Ariensia, what I have seen and remember as a sweet dream and now telling you the story about it. One of thousands, Maybe someday my kids will tell you more about it and their kids after and you will have one thousand one book one thousand one Ariensia's nights and days.

This is the most unusual book you ever read. Story and my philosophy of life mixed together. If you see it scrambled

its done on purpose. You will never understand the magic truly unless you know the magic. Its not harry potter.

To understand my magical stories you have to believe you can be magical and different. The way that you can be proud of it .

The magical land of Ariensia was where gods and men lived in perfect harmony,where they reach to each other and understood each others language. They don't need interpreters and angels to bring gods words to mankind or as close to mankind we can call those happy habitants of that heavenly land.

Don't be disappointed this is the story no one even heard before. Ever think what else could be around you that you don't see yet coexist with it. If you think there is three dimension in this world, think again, why three, not 5 or 7. If you believe there is three, its either you listen with your ear not your heart or just listen to others and believe on what they want you to know. That red line you think you can never pass, believe me you can, I have and I am not anyone special.

Now if I tell you I seen other dimensions more than traditional 3, will you believe me? Of course not, I just told you don't believe anyone but your heart and conscious. I don't say I believe they exist, many more dimensions, I say I know they do because I swear I have seen them. Now go discover for yourself, I promise you can, you just have to be able to break the chains of traditional thinking and be after the truth. Maybe you never find the absolute truth because our lives very short for it, but trust me you can pass way beyond the borders of anybody else getting close to it. You will see all you have read and heard so far is the wall is white and door is made of wood. You haven't seen and heard anything else. It is pale in comparison , what you know and what you could know.

Good, take the journey, you won't be disappointed. Don't ask me how, because I can't tell you, Nobody can. Just like nobody told me. It is going to be a secret between you and your God . But you know where your real power is? I am hoping to give you that power. I can do it!!! Those are the magical worlds, sound very simple but there is where all the magic in the world begin. Those are godly words, He said it to himself just before he created universe. And no sorry, I am not that short sighted to say he did it in seven days 6000 years ago. Now if you think your mind is going to be frozen and consider anything else a sin and don't trust the power of your mind, you can stop reading here, put the book in trash and pray for god to forgive you. The rest of you continue reading because by the end you would have broken the walls that separate Gods from mortal humans. And the amazing part is I haven't done it for you, you have done it for yourself. I just made you believe that you can and give you hope,hope of immortality , hope of purpose.

Now don't judge so quick when I said Gods not God, I only believe in one, my own god, even-though I know its the one for the whole universe. I don't want to share mine with anybody. So when I say Gods, what I mean is millions of reflections of god. His relation with every human being with every humanoid, pets, animals, rocks and trees etc etc give him different shape. So I am not going to tell a dove , hey why are you talking to my God, let him talk with his, I will talk with mine. Thats why I use the word in plural, make it easy to understand and no one get jealous. Believe me two Christians see God in two different ways. So if he is so different to each one of us why not see him and talk to him our way, why we should listen to someone else to tell us what to do with him. Break that barrier and you will be free, not the way Evangelists want to make you free but the way God meant for you. To be reflection of his power, his well,

Muslims say God chosen human to be his Khalifa, his deputy, his representative on earth, two things to remember, on earth, not on mars, and he didn't say Muslim, he said human.

I have heard those words keep repeating like parrot but have yet to see someone who believe on it or who knows what it means. I say it means what is God allowed to do to universe, human being is allowed to do to earth, and what he can do for the world, humans can do in their world, the earth. Now should we turn it to hell or heaven. That will determine how smart we are